Zlatica Maria: Manufacturing Plant Director - UK

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iCEO™: 48792
Position: Manufacturing Plant Director
Nationality: UK
Home Country: Slovakia


20 years experience in international management. Managing projects through Production, Operations and Plant Management - Consumer Electronics and Automotive industries in the UK, Hungary and Slovakia

Major Achievements

Involved in and implemented successful major green field transfers to Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary. Plant Manager in Hungary and Slovakia managing between 350 and 450 people – Coaching and development of the local management team.

Industry Sector Competencies

• Electronics
• Automotive
• Plastics
• Consulting
• Coaching

Professional Objectives

• Function: Plant management, Project management, setting up new manufacturing facilities in Slovakia and Czech Republic
• Interim Manager: Yes
• Permanent Position: Yes
• Operational: Yes
• Availability: Full time
• Prefered Locations: Slovakia, Czech Republic, UK

Countries Covered

• Hungary
• Slovakia
• Czech Republic
• UK

Operational Competencies

• Geographical expansion (Professional)


Home Country:
Full time
BA Technological Systems, Management Studies, Practitioner Coach, ICF Certified Coach
English, Slovak
Management experience:
More than 15 years
Company size:
Start-up, Multinational
Interim Manager:
Founder or co-founder: